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Prospects for Greater Economic and Cultural Engagements: Latin America – USA – Asia/Pacific Region – A Step Towards a Prosperous Future (Part 1)

Coral Gables, Florida – A distinguished gathering of leaders and experts convened in Coral Gables, Florida, for the half-day forum titled “Prospects for Greater Economic and Cultural Engagements: Latin America—USA—Asia-Pacific Region.” The event, organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Presidential Mission, aimed to explore and enhance the opportunities for collaboration between these dynamic regions. The forum successfully brought together influential leaders and experts to discuss the prospects for greater economic and cultural engagements between Latin America, the USA, and the Asia-Pacific region. The event underscored the importance of collaboration, strategic partnerships, and sustainable initiatives in shaping a prosperous and interconnected future. Participants left the forum with a renewed commitment to fostering deeper ties and exploring new opportunities for mutual growth and development.

Recognition of Notable Figures

The forum featured notable participants, including former presidents Vinicio Cerezo (Guatemala), Jamil Mahuad (Ecuador), and Jorge Quiroga (Bolivia). Vince C. Lago, mayor of Coral Gables, also attended, lending local support to the international gathering. Senator Gustavo Leite from Paraguay and Admiral Cibar Benitez, Permanent Secretary of Paraguay’s National Defense Council, further underscored the forum’s emphasis on fostering deep international cooperation. Charles Chou, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami, represented Taiwan’s interests in the discussions. Other key participants included Kazuhiro Nakai, Consul General of Japan in Miami, adding a diverse and international perspective to the event. Additionally, a significant number of other important figures from the public and private sectors across Latin America, the USA, Asia, and the Caribbean showed up, highlighting the forum’s broad appeal and the global interest in strengthening economic and cultural ties.

From left to right: Vinicio Cerezo from Guatemala, Jorge “Tuto” Quiroga from Bolivia, and Jamil Mahuad from Ecuador.

Opening Remarks

Marcos Regalado, a member of the board of directors of the Latin American and Caribbean Presidential Mission, opened the forum, highlighting its two sessions: “Model of Economic Freedom in the Asia Pacific Region” and “Strategic Geopolitical Green Cooperation.” He emphasized the significance of active participation from former presidents and influential leaders in shaping the forum’s discussions.

Thomas Field’s Vision

Mr. Thomas Field, President of the Latin American and Caribbean Presidential Mission

Thomas Field, President of the LACPM, reflected on the forum’s evolution from a small gathering to a significant event driven by the growing interest in strengthening ties between Latin America, the USA, and the Asia-Pacific region. He emphasized the importance of creating valuable connections and fostering collaborations beyond the forum. Field highlighted the role of the Presidential Mission in promoting regional interests on a global stage and its commitment to facilitating dialogues and partnerships that transcend borders.

Vinicio Cerezo’s Call to Action

Former President of Guatemala, Vinicio Cerezo.

Former President Vinicio Cerezo of Guatemala delivered a compelling speech, advocating for deeper economic and cultural engagements. He highlighted Latin America’s strategic importance on the global stage, emphasizing the region’s rich natural resources, vibrant cultures, and growing economies. Cerezo urged participants to leverage their collective strengths to foster sustainable and prosperous growth. He praised the Latin American Presidential Mission for promoting peace and integration in Central America and called for continued efforts to enhance regional cooperation.

Left: Anthony Kim, Research Fellow in Economic Freedom at the Heritage Foundation. Right: Jorge “Tuto Quiroga”, former President of Bolivia.

The first session, moderated by Anthony Kim, a Research Fellow in Economic Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, focused on the importance of Taiwan’s relationship with Paraguay and Guatemala. Kim highlighted Taiwan’s role as a beacon of democracy and economic freedom, drawing attention to its strategic importance in the global landscape. He emphasized the necessity of practical cooperation and the shared values of democracy and freedom among the participating nations.

In his address, former President Jorge Quiroga discussed the intertwined issues of democracy, migration, and criminality in Latin America. He stressed the need for strong democratic institutions to combat these challenges and highlighted the pivotal role of Venezuela in shaping the region’s future. Quiroga also underscored the impact of global trade dynamics and technological advancements on Latin America’s economic landscape, advocating for strategic alliances with democratic nations in the Asia-Pacific region.

Economic Perspectives from Paraguay

Senator Gustavo Leite from Paraguay, South America.

Senator Gustavo Leite emphasized Paraguay’s longstanding relationship with Taiwan, highlighting the collaborative efforts in education and technology. He underscored the importance of strong US leadership in fostering economic engagements and urged for a unified approach to address regional challenges. Leite shared insights on Paraguay’s strategic initiatives to attract Taiwanese investments and enhance bilateral trade, noting the successful establishment of the Paraguayan-Taiwanese University and the upcoming projects in electric mobility and green technology.

Strategic Insights on Asia-Pacific Relations

Dr. Evan Ellis, Latin American Research Professor at the U.S. Army War College

Dr. Evan Ellis, Latin American Research Professor at the U.S. Army War College, provided a comprehensive analysis of the geopolitical significance of Taiwan and its relationship with Latin America. He highlighted the potential risks and benefits of engaging with China and emphasized the need for strategic collaboration to ensure regional stability and prosperity. Ellis discussed the implications of China’s growing influence in Latin America and the importance of maintaining strong ties with democratic partners like Taiwan to counterbalance this trend.

Private Sector Engagement

Federico Sosa, former Director of Foreign Direct Investment at REDIEX Paraguay

Federico Sosa, former Director of Foreign Direct Investment at REDIEX Paraguay, concluded the panel discussions by emphasizing the critical role of the private sector in fostering economic ties. He called for innovative approaches to attract Taiwanese investments and highlighted the importance of building sustainable relationships to support Paraguay’s economic growth. Sosa shared his experience in promoting foreign direct investment and export opportunities in Paraguay, advocating for closer cooperation between the private sectors of Paraguay and Taiwan.

FULL Prospects for Greater Economic and Cultural Engagements: Latin America USA AsiaPacific Region

A distinguished gathering of leaders and experts convened in Coral Gables, Florida, for the half-day forum titled “Prospects for Greater Economic and Cultural Engagements: Latin America-USA-Asia-Pacific Region.” The event, organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Presidential Mission, aimed to explore and enhance the opportunities for collaboration between these dynamic regions.


1st Panel “Model of Economic Freedom in the Asia Pacific Region” Miami 2024

1st Panel of the “Prospects for Greater Economic and Cultural Engagements: Latin America-USA-Asia-Pacific Region,” Forum


For more information on this panel please contact info@lamisionpresidencial.org or continue in www.misionpresidencial.org



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Avenida Hincapié 20-48 zona 13, Guatemala, Guatemala.

Guarania 2152 Asunción, Paraguay

2525 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Suite 300
Coral Gables, FL 33134

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